Centro Nacional de Cirugía de Mínimo Acceso

Training in Minimally Invasive Procedures in Cosmetic Surgery

Head Professor: Alina Rosales Aguirreurreta, MD
Specialist in Reconstructive Plastic Surgery and Caumatology.

Price: 810.00 USD

Payment Method:
See payment information:

Registration is open all year round; except in July and August.

Duration: 2 weeks.

Number of Credits: 6

Addressed to: Residents specializing in curricular programs from foreign universities. Specialists in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, General and Maxillofacial Surgery.

General Aims:
To develop skills to perform minimally invasive procedures in cosmetic surgery safely and effectively.

Main Topics:
    Topic 1: Minimally invasive surgery. Theoretical rationale. Sterilization and care of video endoscopic instruments.
    Topic 2: Use of endoscopic techniques in cosmetic surgery.
    Topic 3: Trans-operative and postoperative complications.
    Topic 4: Use of endoscopic techniques in cosmetic surgery.
Training in Minimally Invasive Procedures in Cosmetic Surgery

Price: 810.00 USD
Payment Method:
Addressed to:

  • Residents from international curricular programs, Specialists in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, General Surgery and Maxillofacial Surgery.

Teaching Direction Secretary at the NCMIS

Universidad de Ciencias Médicas