Centro Nacional de Cirugía de Mínimo Acceso

Advanced Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery I

Head Professor: Israel Diaz Ortega, MD, PhD
Ginecology, Obstetrics and Oncologist Specialist
Full Professor, Full Researcher.
Head of the Ginecological Service

Price: 520.00 USD

Method of payment:
See payment information:

January 29 - February 2 | May 20 - 24 | September 23 - 27

Duration: 1 week.

Number of Credits: 2

Addressed to: Specialists in Gynecology and Obstetrics and General Surgery and pediatric, national or foreign.

General Aims:
  1. To present updated knowledge regarding possible applications of laparoscopic surgery in complex gynecological procedures, as well as some skills.
  2. To explain indications, contraindications, advantages and complications of laparoscopic hysterectomies.
  3. To identify laparoscopic surgical techniques for treating some gynecological neoplasia.
  4. To explain the main laparoscopic procedures for treating adnexal masses, endometriosis and pelvic floor disorders.
  5. To recognize possible applications of therapeutic hysteroscopy.
  6. To present updated knowledge about the development of gynecological procedures for minimal access surgery and other associated procedures.
Main Topics:
    Topic 1: Generalities.
    Topic 2: Laparoscopic hysterectomy.
    Topic 3: Endometriosis.
    Topic 4: Laparoscopic oncological surgery.
    Topic 5: Associated procedures.
Advanced Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery I

Price: 520.00 USD
Method of payment:

CNCMA Teaching Secretary


Israel Díaz
Ortega, MD, PhD

Juan B. Olivé
Gonzalez, MD, MSc.


Jorge G. Pereira
Fraga, MD


Lázara Martinez
White, BN

Universidad de Ciencias Médicas